Saturday, June 29, 2024

The Call of Abram – Music Story

God called Abram to a new identity. His sense of self, of who he was, was to change. Abram was to have a new allegiance, one not based on nation or people group. Abram was to leave his country and his father’s household and go to the land God would show him. God promised to make him a great nation. All the peoples on earth would be blessed through him. Abram’s identity was to be based on God’s promise. But it would take a miracle for him to become a great nation. He was seventy-five. His wife was sixty-five, childless, and barren. Yet, Abram believed God and went as the Lord had told him! And so began the great story of redemption.

In the call of Abram we see rudiments of the story:

·         A calling

·         A land

·         A promise

·         New identity

·         A child

·         A miracle birth

Through one man’s act of faith God would bless all.

From the album “Redemption” this video is scrolling playback of God’s call to Abram from Genesis 12.


Click here to read the call of Abram.

Print (PDF) and/or digital (MusicXML) sheet music is available for The Call of Abram.

Sheet Music
Click here for PDF.
Click here for MusicXML.
(MusicXML™ is the standard open format for sharing digital sheet music. Check the help files in your music notation app for directions on importing MusicXML files.) 

Monday, May 20, 2024

Hannah’s Song – Music Story

Hannah prayed for a child.
And the LORD granted her petition.
Then Hannah prayed and said,
“My heart rejoices in the LORD … there is no Rock like our God.”

From the album “Sing” this video is scrolling playback of her prayer set to music.


Click here to read Hannah’s prayer.

Lead sheet music (PDF) is available for Hannah’s Song.

Click here for PDF.

Monday, April 29, 2024

Blessed – Music Story

Crowds of people were following Jesus. He was in the public eye, being sought out. Were his disciples basking in the limelight? Finding pleasure in fame?

When Jesus saw the crowds, he went up on the mountain and sat down. His disciples came to him, and Jesus described to them the person who is to be congratulated, to be envied. He explained the best way of living, the one that gives the greatest rewards today and tomorrow. The person who accepts the demands of God’s Kingdom, that person truly finds happiness and well-being.

What Jesus taught his disciples is known as The Beatitudes and is found in The Sermon on the Mount.

From the album “Sing” this video is scrolling playback of a song based on Numbers 26:24-26 and Matthew 5:3-16.


You can read The Beatitudes here.

Print (PDF) sheet music (lead sheet) is available for Blessed.

Sheet Music
Click here for PDF.

Tuesday, January 2, 2024

Romans – Music Story

Something is wrong with the world.

We live in a violent world. War is raging on every continent. In fact, thirteen major wars are being fought right now, including the civil war in Myanmar that forcibly displaced over a million people. As the military was seizing power, my niece evacuated on one of the last planes out of the country.

We live in an asylum-seeking world. Thousands of Mexican migrants with their belongings stuffed into one bag are bussed to “sanctuary cities” in the U.S and simply dropped off. In a major city just a few hours from my home they fill a third of the already overwhelmed family homeless shelters.

We live in a world battling over orthodoxy. In a neighboring state, an education law resulted in the removal of hundreds of books from public schools, classic works of fiction, nonfiction history books, even Pulitzer Prize winning contemporary novels!

The apostle Paul explains the root of the problem in the New Testament book of Romans.

Three songs from Romans

1.      The Mind of God

We originated in the mind of God. We are created by, through, and for a triune God to reflect his unity and diversity.[1]

2.      Bad News! Good News!

The problem is personal. We don’t reflect God’s unity and diversity. We have fallen short of the glory of God. We are sinners. God’s solution to the problem was personal. God sent his Son, Jesus, to demonstrate that he loves us. We are forgiven and made right with God through Jesus’ death.[2]

3.      The Love of God

Surrounded by violence? Forcibly displaced? Seeking asylum? On the wrong side of orthodoxy? For those who have accepted God’s solution, nothing can separate them from the love of God.[3]


[1] Romans 11:33-36

[2] Romans 1:2-6, 3:10-18, 5:1-11, 10:5-13

[3] Romans 8:31-39