The Psalmist said the moon is God’s faithful witness in
the sky and the heavens declare the glory of God. According to the Apostle John
that glory is full of grace and truth.
The heavens declare the glory of God! |
A universe declaring the glory of God will radiate truth.
The assumption that the universe can be accurately measured flows out of a
biblical worldview, then, not a secular one. Scientists are fallible, but the
universe they measure cannot lie.
What does this mean for radiometric and other scientific
dating methods? The count of layers in tree rings, ice cores, and varves
truthfully gives their ages. Tree rings take us back 11,000 years, ice layers
in Antarctica 740,000 years, the Green River Shales (varves) 6 million years.
Tree ring chronology correlates with carbon 14 dating. Known volcanic eruptions
left dust layers in the ice core layer matching the year of their eruption. The
100,000 year pattern in the ice cores and varves closely matches the 100,000 year cycle in
the earth’s orbit around the sun.
God’s Word made astonishing claims about his World that were amazingly
confirmed thousands of years later: the universe had a beginning, has undergone
constant expansion, and is exquisitely fine-tuned for life. Scientists have
been able to confirm these claims because both God’s Word and his World radiate
Since God’s Word got it right about Creation, it is worth considering what
it says about the Creator. He loves us so much that he became a man, died in our
place, was buried and raised from the dead, and has the power to create his
life is us. The Creator
claims his promises are just as reliable as his laws governing Creation. What
the Creator promises is guaranteed because his Creation radiates truth.
God’s promises
are A Sure Bet. From the musical The
Majesty of the Maker! this video is scrolling playback of the song.
Click here to
download 50-page PDF of the musical: book, music in lead sheet format, lyrics.
You can get print
(PDF) and/or digital (MusicXML™) sheet music for A Sure Bet.
Click here for print sheet music (lead sheet format). |
Click here for digital sheet music for country band.
Check the help files in your music notation app for
directions on importing MusicXML™ files.)(MusicXML™ is the standard open format for sharing digital sheet music. |
This applet
lets you compare the 100,000 year eccentricity of earth’s orbit with the 100,000
year pattern in the Vostok Ice Core.
Click here to
read about the Green River Shales Formation.