The verses behind the songs.
Before Time Began
Read Titus 1:1-5 and Titus 2:11-14. Who wrote the letter?
To whom is it written? Why? What preaching was entrusted to the writer?
Compare Titus1:1-3 and Titus 2:11-14 in the Amplified
Bible and The Message. What did God promise before the beginning of time? To
whom was it promised? When did God fulfill the promise? What does that mean for
Listen to the song. Does it capture the message of these verses?
Why? Why not?
Ordinary Lives
Read Titus 1:6-9 and Titus 2:1-9. What is Titus to teach?
(Titus 2:1) How are leaders to live out that teaching? Older men? Older women?
Young women? Young men? Slaves / employees? What happens when people live out the
teaching? (Titus 2:10)
Listen to the song. What are ordinary clothes? How would
you say it differently?
The Hymn of Salvation by Grace
Read Titus 3:4-7. Summarize these verses.
Compare Titus 3:4-7 in the New International Version and
The Passion Translation. What title does The Passion Translation give this
section? Why? (See the callout in verse 4.) In which translation does the
cadence of the words best reflect the title given to this section?
Listen to the song. Does putting the passage to a beat
help you remember it? Why? Why not?
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